99plus // 2010_23

99 plus is a series of artworks fusing street photography with elements of abstract painting. The original photographs are the result of multiple long-term stays in various metropolises and rural areas across the US. Captured from the fluid present, the multiple facets of a hardened, resilient, and creative society are brought into its physical form. […]

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Elementar // 2014

The majestic Alpine mountains with their bold, jagged rocky peaks have always been a great source of inspiration. In ancient times, the Alps represented a physical barrier that was difficult to overcome, separating the southern and northern worlds with their brute force of the elements. Today, the Alps are no longer an insurmountable barrier, but […]

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Slithering Lights // 2008

Artists, exploring the possibilities of photography, have always been fascinated about how light, exposure and movement effect the outcome of their work. The project’s idea roots in the essence of photography, the term which is derived from ancient Greek, translating into “drawing with light”. By combining long exposure and movement the traces of light become […]

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